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So you want to be an artist?



Many years ago, I accumulated a small savings and traveled a great distance to see a famous artist for consultation. I wanted to know if I had a chance at being a successful artist and I recall his exact words being “Christina, you will NEVER make it as a artist, in the world of fine art." Though I supplicated for an earnest response from this so called "expert" great rage coursed through my heart and soul. I soon realized that the only reality was my intense will and ability to transcend his critical scrutiny and decided to pursue my dream of becoming an artist in fine art, despite the nay-saying of a man.

I returned home to a dark and gloomy studio, without money or hope. I had made up my mind that I was going to be the most talented artist that walked the planet. I was so enraged, I threw myself into work with a vengeance. I knew in my heart that I had turned a corner. It was at that moment in time, that I knew I was going to become a great artist or die trying.

Since then, I have produced thousands of artworks and have had countless of gallery showings during my career as an artist. I have prospered beyond my wildest dreams, I thank God every day for the nasty critique, I received from that "art expert" who unknowingly propelled my commitment to becoming an artist.

REMEMBER, You may seek counsel from experts on how to expedite, fine tune, market or promote your art. However, only YOU will truly know if you are an artist and have what it takes. You are either compelled to be an artist or you are not, the choice is yours to make.

Yours truly,

Christina De Musée